V normální společnosti je nemyslitelné už jen to, že má někdo možnost přístupu do počítače někoho cizího. Pokud by Microsoft stavěl obytné domy, musel by si od všech nechat náhradní klíč a znemožnit novým majitelům výměnu zámků, aby udělal totéž, co dělá v oblasti software. A pokud by někdo nachytal zaměstnance Microsoftu, jak leze bez optání v jeho domě, tak by to zaměstnanec microsoftu zdůvodnil tím, že má podezření na počínající hnilobu brambor ve sklepě a jde zabránit vzniku větších škod.
Opakuji že v diskusi jsou použité citace z podmínek používání MS Online Services, nikoliv Windows 10 EULA. MS tedy může hrabat do vašich online dat, pokud to vyžaduje zákon nebo ochrana některých zájmů. O vašem počítači nikde nebyla řeč.
ad "O vašem počítači nikde nebyla řeč" -> According to Zach Epstein of BGR News, all of Windows 10’s features that could be considered invasions of privacy are enabled by default. Signing in with your Microsoft email account means Windows is reading your emails, contacts and calendar data. The new Edge browser serves you personalized ads. Solitaire now comes with ads. Using Cortana – the voice-driven assistant that represents Redmond’s answer to Apple’s Siri – reportedly “plays fast and loose with your data.”
“I am pretty surprised by the far-reaching data collection that Microsoft seems to want,” web developer Jonathan Porta wrote on his blog. “I am even more surprised by the fact that the settings all default to incredibly intrusive. I am certain that most individuals will just accept the defaults and have no idea how much information they are giving away.”
As examples, Porta cited Microsoft having access to contacts, calendar details, and “other associated input data” such as “typing and inking” by default. The operating system also wants access to user locations and location history, both of which could be provided not just to Microsoft, but to its “trusted partners.” TAKZE JESTE JEDNOU: could be provided not just to Microsoft, but to its “trusted partners.”

“Who are the trusted partners? By whom are they trusted? I am certainly not the one doing any trusting right now,” Porta wrote, describing the default privacy options as “vague and bordering on scary.”
Alec Meer of the ‘Rock, Paper, Shotgun’ blog pointed out this passage in Microsoft’s 12,000-word, 45-page terms of use agreement:
“We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to.”
While most people are used to ads as the price of accessing free content, writes Meer, Microsoft is not making it clear enough that they are “gathering and storing vast amounts of data on your computing habits,” not just browser data.
Opting out of all these default settings requires navigating 13 different screens and a separate website, the bloggers have found.
http://www.rt.com/usa/311304-new-windows-privacy-issues/ Zda se ze M$ najel na system tzv.dvojiho dojeni zakazniku, ktery se stal oblibenym zdrojem vedlejsich prijmu nekterych americkych ISP. Spociva to v tom ze zakaznikum poskytujeme sluzbu (napr. umoznujeme pristup na internet) za kterou si nechame zaplatit (nemale) penize a zaroven mapujeme (jako spravny man-in-the-middle) co zakaznici na netu delaji a tyto data pak prodavame tretim stranam alias "our trusted partners”.....

))) Pokud zakaznik toto zjisti a zacne rvat ze chce opt-out tak ho budto nadobro ustrihneme,pripadne mu nabidneme nabidneme opt-out z fizlovani ale MUSI SI ZA TO PRIPLATI! =zde zalezi na (zlo)vuli jednotliveho ISP...... Ne opravdu si nedelam srandu i kdyz takovato konstrukce muze cloveku z EU pripadat jako spatnej vtip

)) jenze Amerika je zeme netusenych moznosti ;o) hlavne pro korporace a ty kdoz maji v regionu monopol.