Po aktualizaci certifikatu to funguje. Proste je tam nejaky novy certifikat, co wgetu chybeli.
Vypnuti overovani certifikatu take funguje.
gnutls-cli meteomodel.pl 443
Processed 152 CA certificate(s).
Resolving 'meteomodel.pl'...
Connecting to ''...
- Certificate type: X.509
- Got a certificate list of 2 certificates.
- Certificate[0] info:
- subject `CN=meteomodel.pl', issuer `C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3', RSA key 4096 bits, signed using RSA-SHA256, activated `2018
-12-06 01:52:49 UTC', expires `2019-03-06 01:52:49 UTC', SHA-1 fingerprint `26bd190c51ae6f4158ea8377e922c71aa93c6dec'
Public Key ID:
Public key's random art:
+--[ RSA 4096]----+
| ++=**oo |
| o.B.ooo |
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| * ..oo |
| . + ..S |
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| .E |
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- Certificate[1] info:
- subject `C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3', issuer `O=Digital Signature Trust Co.,CN=DST Root CA X3', RSA key 2048 bits, signed us
ing RSA-SHA256, activated `2016-03-17 16:40:46 UTC', expires `2021-03-17 16:40:46 UTC', SHA-1 fingerprint `e6a3b45b062d509b3382282d196efe97d5956ccb'
- Status: The certificate is trusted.
- Description: (TLS1.2)-(ECDHE-RSA-SECP256R1)-(AES-128-GCM)
- Session ID: 8A:03:A9:39:0D:1E:D0:41:EF:D9:4B:AB:E0:5F:FF:1E:3C:5D:0F:2F:55:39:7C:C2:4B:B7:A2:1F:5B:E2:DE:6C
- Ephemeral EC Diffie-Hellman parameters
- Using curve: SECP256R1
- Curve size: 256 bits
- Version: TLS1.2
- Key Exchange: ECDHE-RSA
- Server Signature: RSA-SHA256
- Cipher: AES-128-GCM
- Compression: NULL
- Options: safe renegotiation,
- Handshake was completed
- Simple Client Mode: