Tak mame pres 300 hlasu a 40% ctenaru jsou jablickari z vlastni kapsy. Tipoval jsem tak 25% ale vysledek je velmi prekvapivy kdyz tam pripocitame i ty co jablicka nafasovali. Holt doba je jinde a za par let bude na rootu jablecna vetsina. To by clovek necekal ni v nejdivocejdim snu.
Kámo, myslím, že ta tvoje dedukce je špatná. Anketa se týká útraty za produkty Apple a nemá to nic společného s poměrem užívání jednotlivých OS. Takže z této ankety můžeš akorát velmi vzdáleně odvodit kolik lidí má OS od Apple na desktopu nebo mobilu. Ovšem člověk co má v kapse iphone může mít na starosti 10 linuxových serverů, na stole 3 arduina a v routeru OpenWrt (celkově v mnohem větší hodnotě než iphone) a jelikož Apple žádné serverové OS ani žádné mini OS pro embedded zařízení nemá, tak to že bude na rootu jablečná většina se opravdu v nejbližších 15 letech nestane.
Když má člověk linux všude a koupí si pouze jeden iphone, tak to z něj přece nedělá jablíčkáře 
apple prodava mac os server ale asi to neni "server"ve vasem slova smyslu
File Sharing
• File sharing for Mac, PC, iPhone and iPad
• Standard protocols SMB, AFP and WebDAV
• Permits flexible file access
• Spotlight Search
Profile Manager
• Mobile Device Management (MDM) for Mac and iOS devices
• implementation and management simplified iOS and OS X
• Distribution of apps and books licensed acquired by the company or school through the Program Purchasing Volume
• Installing software updates on devices with iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan
• Integration with Device Enrollment Program
• web management Console
• Self – service portal to remove passwords, locking devices or delete its contents remotely
Server Caching
• Accelerated downloading software distributed by Apple
• local caching apps, books, iTunes U, software updates and images recovery OS X
• Accelerating data download iCloud, and documents stored in iCloud Drive and photos
• Design fault – tolerant replicated cache on multiple servers and load balancing
• No need to configure a client
server Xcode
• Creation with Xcode continuous integration bots develop, analyze and test code on any Mac with OS X Server
• Configure bots to integrate at a given time, or continuously as the code is stored in the repository
• Automate testing apps for OS X and iOS, with execution on multiple connected iOS devices
• Accommodation Git repositories in OS X Server or connection to hosts Git or Subversion remote
• access remote summaries of detailed integration and nightly builds using the web interface
Time Machine
• Configuring a destination for backups of Mac computers on the network
• Monitoring of backups based on date and size
• Limiting the maximum storage volume users may have Time Machine
Server Calendar
• Sharing a Calendar, organizing meetings or events, and reserve boardrooms
• CalDAV server based on standards for access from a Mac, iPad, iPhone or PC
• View availability with brands Free / Busy
• Invitations by email and push notifications
Server contacts
• Sync contacts with a Mac, iPad and iPhone
• Authorization multiple users to query and update contacts
• CardDAV Server standards – based
Server Wiki
• page Editor that lets you change the format and insert images, videos and attachments with one click
• access controls
• Tags and comments
• Revision history
• Document Exchange
• Previewing with Quick View
Mail Server
• SMTP Server, IMAP or POP standards – based
• Push notifications
• SSL encryption
• Adaptive Filtering Spam
• Virus detection and quarantine
Virtual Private Network
• Access to services remote network
• encrypted VPN connections for Mac, iPad, iPhone and PC