Odkud se berou útoky


Odkud se berou útoky
« kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 07:52:08 »
Mám veřejnou IP adresu na které mi běží SSH a WEB. Každý den zaznamenávám asi něco kolem pětitisíců pokusů o neoprávněný přístup k SSH. Útočníci jsou nejčastěji z Číny nebo Ruska. Zajímalo by mě jak si takový hacker řekne "Dneska zkusím třeba tuhle IP".
To si prostě vyskenuje rozsah veřejných IP a podle odezvy a otevřených portů zkouší útoky?


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #1 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 08:03:31 »
Osobně jsem na radu přehodil SSH na port 1022, jen občas v logu sleduji nepovedené pokusy o přihlášení (Rusko, Čína, Jižní Amerika). Chtěl jsem udělat něco jako BAN na den po pátém nepovedeném spojení, ale nějak to nedopadlo.


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #2 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 08:05:57 »
Utocnik si nerekne vubec nic. Tohle dela bot na nakem kompromitovanem pocitaci: proleza segmenty IP-adres jednu po druhe. Nekdy maji seznam adres kterejm se radsi maji vyhnout, ovsem zadnou velkou logiku v tom nehledej. Mimochodem, staci presunout sshd na nakej jinej port (nejlepe >1023) a na 90% te tyhle skeny minou...


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #3 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 08:10:59 »
No k serveru přistupuje dost "prostých" uživatelů a pro některé je problém i ctrl+alt+delete při přihlášení do domény :D
Tímhle je nebudu zatěžovat.
Já si nastavil, že po 2 fail loginech se musí uživatel reconnectnout. Což by mělo útočníka trošku zbrzdit.
Útok je podle logu pomocí slovníku podle jmen, co jsem našel v logu.
Jinak i kdyby pronikl na normálního uživatele, nedostane se ani na comand linu. Uživatelé jsou omezeni pouze na scp... ale to sem tahat nechci...
Jestli to je jenom náhodný scan tak ok ...


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #4 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 09:00:17 »
To je normální stav a vlastnost internetu.
Komu se to nelíbí, nechť si nainstaluje SW nebo HW firewall a blokuje přístupy na SSH podle IP adresy, obvykle totiž na WWW serveru stačí SSH povolit jenom pro pár lidí.
Samozřejmostí je používat kvalitní hesla.

JardaP .

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Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #5 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 09:28:46 »
A DenyHosts je dobra vec. Da se i aktivovat synchronizace s externi databazi utocniku, coz radu utoku zastavi, nez k nim vubec dojde.


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #6 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 09:30:15 »
Tak pokud by se Vám chtělo definovat IP adresy pro 650 uživatelů... proč ne.
FW samozřejmě používáme vč. proxy a IPS.

Prostě sem jen přemýšlel, jestli tohle náhodný pokus nebo zda-li je tohle něčím  odpodstatněné.


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #7 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 09:44:14 »
Denyosts vypada velice dobre. Uz jsem si ho doinstaloval. Dekuju za tip!

JardaP .

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Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #8 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 10:27:00 »
Denyosts vypada velice dobre. Uz jsem si ho doinstaloval. Dekuju za tip!

Ale je potreba dukladne projet a nastelovat rozsahlejsi konfigurak. Jinak to neni ono. A treba sync s externi databazi je defaultne vypnuty.

Ladislav Kepsta

Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #9 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 11:30:16 »

zdroje tychto skenov pochadzaju z botnetov a dalsich kompromitovanych zdrojov. Idealne je sluzbu spustit na non-well-know porte, s iptables, ktore akceptuju iba vami vydefinovane rozsahy sieti pre ssh plus vymenit autentizaciu z passwd -> publickey. Pravidelny patch management a bastion hardening predpokladam, ako samozrejmost ;)



Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #10 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 13:00:57 »
Tak denyhost sice jede, ale daemon nic nezapisuje do hosts.deny

V logu není žádná chyba ...

Kód: [Vybrat]

# SECURE_LOG: the log file that contains sshd logging info
# if you are not sure, grep "sshd:" /var/log/*
# The file to process can be overridden with the --file command line
# argument
# Redhat or Fedora Core:
SECURE_LOG = /var/log/secure
# Mandrake, FreeBSD or OpenBSD:
#SECURE_LOG = /var/log/auth.log
# SuSE:
#SECURE_LOG = /var/log/messages
# Mac OS X (v10.4 or greater -
#   also refer to:   http://www.denyhosts.net/faq.html#macos
#SECURE_LOG = /private/var/log/asl.log
# Mac OS X (v10.3 or earlier):

# HOSTS_DENY: the file which contains restricted host access information
# Most operating systems:
HOSTS_DENY = /etc/hosts.deny
# Some BSD (FreeBSD) Unixes:
#HOSTS_DENY = /etc/hosts.allow
# Another possibility (also see the next option):
#HOSTS_DENY = /etc/hosts.evil

# PURGE_DENY: removed HOSTS_DENY entries that are older than this time
#             when DenyHosts is invoked with the --purge flag
#      format is: i[dhwmy]
#      Where 'i' is an integer (eg. 7)
#            'm' = minutes
#            'h' = hours
#            'd' = days
#            'w' = weeks
#            'y' = years
# never purge:
# purge entries older than 1 week
# purge entries older than 5 days
# For the default Fedora Extras install, we want timestamping but no
# expiration (at least by default) so this is deliberately set high.
# Adjust to taste.

# PURGE_THRESHOLD: defines the maximum times a host will be purged. 
# Once this value has been exceeded then this host will not be purged.
# Setting this parameter to 0 (the default) disables this feature.
# default: a denied host can be purged/re-added indefinitely
# a denied host will be purged at most 2 times.

# man 5 hosts_access for details
# eg.   sshd:  # will block sshd logins from
# To block all services for the offending host:
# To block only sshd:
# To only record the offending host and nothing else (if using
# an auxilary file to list the hosts).  Refer to:
# http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#aux
# DENY_THRESHOLD_INVALID: block each host after the number of failed login
# attempts has exceeded this value.  This value applies to invalid
# user login attempts (eg. non-existent user accounts)

# DENY_THRESHOLD_VALID: block each host after the number of failed
# login attempts has exceeded this value.  This value applies to valid
# user login attempts (eg. user accounts that exist in /etc/passwd) except
# for the "root" user

# DENY_THRESHOLD_ROOT: block each host after the number of failed
# login attempts has exceeded this value.  This value applies to
# "root" user login attempts only.

# DENY_THRESHOLD_RESTRICTED: block each host after the number of failed
# login attempts has exceeded this value.  This value applies to
# usernames that appear in the WORK_DIR/restricted-usernames file only.

# WORK_DIR: the path that DenyHosts will use for writing data to
# (it will be created if it does not already exist). 
# Note: it is recommended that you use an absolute pathname
# for this value (eg. /home/foo/denyhosts/data)
WORK_DIR = /var/lib/denyhosts

# If set to YES, if a suspicious login attempt results from an allowed-host
# then it is considered suspicious.  If this is NO, then suspicious logins
# from allowed-hosts will not be reported.  All suspicious logins from
# ip addresses that are not in allowed-hosts will always be reported.

# If set to YES, for each IP address that is reported by Denyhosts,
# the corresponding hostname will be looked up and reported as well
# (if available).

# LOCK_FILE=/path/denyhosts
# If this file exists when DenyHosts is run, then DenyHosts will exit
# immediately.  Otherwise, this file will be created upon invocation
# and deleted upon exit.  This ensures that only one instance is
# running at a time.
# Redhat/Fedora:
LOCK_FILE = /var/lock/subsys/denyhosts
# Debian
#LOCK_FILE = /var/run/denyhosts.pid
# Misc
#LOCK_FILE = /tmp/denyhosts.lock

       ############ THESE SETTINGS ARE OPTIONAL ############

# ADMIN_EMAIL: if you would like to receive emails regarding newly
# restricted hosts and suspicious logins, set this address to
# match your email address.  If you do not want to receive these reports
# leave this field blank (or run with the --noemail option)
# Multiple email addresses can be delimited by a comma, eg:
# ADMIN_EMAIL = foo@bar.com, bar@foo.com, etc@foobar.com
#ADMIN_EMAIL = sprava@kosinka.com

# SMTP_HOST and SMTP_PORT: if DenyHosts is configured to email
# reports (see ADMIN_EMAIL) then these settings specify the
# email server address (SMTP_HOST) and the server port (SMTP_PORT)
#SMTP_HOST = localhost

# SMTP_USERNAME and SMTP_PASSWORD: set these parameters if your
# smtp email server requires authentication

# SMTP_FROM: you can specify the "From:" address in messages sent
# from DenyHosts when it reports thwarted abuse attempts
#SMTP_FROM = DenyHosts <nobody@localhost>

# SMTP_SUBJECT: you can specify the "Subject:" of messages sent
# by DenyHosts when it reports thwarted abuse attempts
SMTP_SUBJECT = DenyHosts Report from $[HOSTNAME]

# SMTP_DATE_FORMAT: specifies the format used for the "Date:" header
# when sending email messages.
# for possible values for this parameter refer to: man strftime
# the default:
#SMTP_DATE_FORMAT = %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z

# If set to yes, when denied hosts are recorded the report data
# will be sent to syslog (syslog must be present on your system).
# The default is: NO

# If set to YES, for each entry in the WORK_DIR/allowed-hosts file,
# the hostname will be looked up.  If your versions of tcp_wrappers
# and sshd sometimes log hostnames in addition to ip addresses
# then you may wish to specify this option.

# AGE_RESET_VALID: Specifies the period of time between failed login
# attempts that, when exceeded will result in the failed count for
# this host to be reset to 0.  This value applies to login attempts
# to all valid users (those within /etc/passwd) with the
# exception of root.  If not defined, this count will never
# be reset.
# See the comments in the PURGE_DENY section (above)
# for details on specifying this value or for complete details
# refer to:  http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#timespec

# AGE_RESET_ROOT: Specifies the period of time between failed login
# attempts that, when exceeded will result in the failed count for
# this host to be reset to 0.  This value applies to all login
# attempts to the "root" user account.  If not defined,
# this count will never be reset.
# See the comments in the PURGE_DENY section (above)
# for details on specifying this value or for complete details
# refer to:  http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#timespec

# AGE_RESET_RESTRICTED: Specifies the period of time between failed login
# attempts that, when exceeded will result in the failed count for
# this host to be reset to 0.  This value applies to all login
# attempts to entries found in the WORK_DIR/restricted-usernames file. 
# If not defined, the count will never be reset.
# See the comments in the PURGE_DENY section (above)
# for details on specifying this value or for complete details
# refer to:  http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#timespec

# AGE_RESET_INVALID: Specifies the period of time between failed login
# attempts that, when exceeded will result in the failed count for
# this host to be reset to 0.  This value applies to login attempts
# made to any invalid username (those that do not appear
# in /etc/passwd).  If not defined, count will never be reset.
# See the comments in the PURGE_DENY section (above)
# for details on specifying this value or for complete details
# refer to:  http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#timespec

# RESET_ON_SUCCESS: If this parameter is set to "yes" then the
# failed count for the respective ip address will be reset to 0
# if the login is successful. 
# The default is RESET_ON_SUCCESS = no

# PLUGIN_DENY: If set, this value should point to an executable
# program that will be invoked when a host is added to the
# HOSTS_DENY file.  This executable will be passed the host
# that will be added as it's only argument.

# PLUGIN_PURGE: If set, this value should point to an executable
# program that will be invoked when a host is removed from the
# HOSTS_DENY file.  This executable will be passed the host
# that is to be purged as it's only argument.
# The following plugin will restore the file contexts on /etc/hosts.deny after
# denyhosts purges old entries.  This prevents breakage when selinux is set to
# enforcing mode, but still has a small window where the context is set
# incorrectly.  The correct place to fix this is in the selinux policy.

# USERDEF_FAILED_ENTRY_REGEX: if set, this value should contain
# a regular expression that can be used to identify additional
# hackers for your particular ssh configuration.  This functionality
# extends the built-in regular expressions that DenyHosts uses.
# This parameter can be specified multiple times.
# See this faq entry for more details:
#    http://denyhosts.sf.net/faq.html#userdef_regex


# DAEMON_LOG: when DenyHosts is run in daemon mode (--daemon flag)
# this is the logfile that DenyHosts uses to report it's status.
# To disable logging, leave blank.  (default is: /var/log/denyhosts)
DAEMON_LOG = /var/log/denyhosts
# disable logging:

# DAEMON_LOG_TIME_FORMAT: when DenyHosts is run in daemon mode
# (--daemon flag) this specifies the timestamp format of
# the DAEMON_LOG messages (default is the ISO8061 format:
# ie. 2005-07-22 10:38:01,745)
# for possible values for this parameter refer to: man strftime
# Jan 1 13:05:59   
# Jan 1 01:05:59

# DAEMON_LOG_MESSAGE_FORMAT: when DenyHosts is run in daemon mode
# (--daemon flag) this specifies the message format of each logged
# entry.  By default the following format is used:
# %(asctime)s - %(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s
# Where the "%(asctime)s" portion is expanded to the format
# This string is passed to python's logging.Formatter contstuctor.
# For details on the possible format types please refer to:
# http://docs.python.org/lib/node357.html
# This is the default:
#DAEMON_LOG_MESSAGE_FORMAT = %(asctime)s - %(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s

# DAEMON_SLEEP: when DenyHosts is run in daemon mode (--daemon flag)
# this is the amount of time DenyHosts will sleep between polling
# the SECURE_LOG.  See the comments in the PURGE_DENY section (above)
# for details on specifying this value or for complete details
# refer to:    http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#timespec

# DAEMON_PURGE: How often should DenyHosts, when run in daemon mode,
# run the purge mechanism to expire old entries in HOSTS_DENY
# This has no effect if PURGE_DENY is blank.

   #########   THESE SETTINGS ARE SPECIFIC TO     ##########
   #########       DAEMON SYNCHRONIZATION         ##########

# Synchronization mode allows the DenyHosts daemon the ability
# to periodically send and receive denied host data such that
# DenyHosts daemons worldwide can automatically inform one
# another regarding banned hosts.   This mode is disabled by
# default, you must uncomment SYNC_SERVER to enable this mode.
# for more information, please refer to:
#        http:/denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#sync

# SYNC_SERVER: The central server that communicates with DenyHost
# daemons.  Currently, denyhosts.net is the only available server
# however, in the future, it may be possible for organizations to
# install their own server for internal network synchronization
# To disable synchronization (the default), do nothing.
# To enable synchronization, you must uncomment the following line:
# NOTE: Please read README.Fedora before enabling sync
SYNC_SERVER = http://xmlrpc.denyhosts.net:9911

# SYNC_INTERVAL: the interval of time to perform synchronizations if
# SYNC_SERVER has been uncommented.  The default is 1 hour.

# SYNC_UPLOAD: allow your DenyHosts daemon to transmit hosts that have
# been denied?  This option only applies if SYNC_SERVER has
# been uncommented.
# The default is SYNC_UPLOAD = yes

# SYNC_DOWNLOAD: allow your DenyHosts daemon to receive hosts that have
# been denied by others?  This option only applies if SYNC_SERVER has
# been uncommented.
# The default is SYNC_DOWNLOAD = yes

# SYNC_DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD: If SYNC_DOWNLOAD is enabled this parameter
# filters the returned hosts to those that have been blocked this many
# times by others.  That is, if set to 1, then if a single DenyHosts
# server has denied an ip address then you will receive the denied host.
# The default is SYNC_DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD = 3

# value specified for this option limits the downloaded data
# to this resiliency period or greater.
# Resiliency is defined as the timespan between a hackers first known
# attack and it's most recent attack.  Example:
# If the centralized   denyhosts.net server records an attack at 2 PM
# and then again at 5 PM, specifying a SYNC_DOWNLOAD_RESILIENCY = 4h
# will not download this ip address.
# However, if the attacker is recorded again at 6:15 PM then the
# ip address will be downloaded by your DenyHosts instance. 
# This value is used in conjunction with the SYNC_DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD
# and only hosts that satisfy both values will be downloaded. 
# This value has no effect if SYNC_DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD = 1
# The default is SYNC_DOWNLOAD_RESILIENCY = 5h (5 hours)
# Only obtain hackers that have been at it for 2 days or more:
# Only obtain hackers that have been at it for 5 hours or more:


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #11 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 13:14:23 »
a co pise /var/log/denyhosts ?


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #12 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 14:42:42 »
Kód: [Vybrat]
  GNU nano 2.0.9                                           File: denyhosts

2013-01-23 12:51:39,301 - denyhosts   : INFO     restricted: set([])
2013-01-23 12:51:39,301 - denyhosts   : INFO     Processing log file (/var/log/secure) from offset (1086867)
2013-01-23 12:51:39,303 - denyhosts   : INFO     launching DenyHosts daemon (version 2.6)...
2013-01-23 12:51:39,306 - denyhosts   : INFO     DenyHosts daemon is now running, pid: 21734
2013-01-23 12:51:39,307 - denyhosts   : INFO     send daemon process a TERM signal to terminate cleanly
2013-01-23 12:51:39,307 - denyhosts   : INFO       eg.  kill -TERM 21734
2013-01-23 12:51:39,334 - denyhosts   : INFO     monitoring log: /var/log/secure
2013-01-23 12:51:39,334 - denyhosts   : INFO     sync_time: 3600
2013-01-23 12:51:39,335 - denyhosts   : INFO     daemon_purge:      3600
2013-01-23 12:51:39,335 - denyhosts   : INFO     daemon_sleep:      30
2013-01-23 12:51:39,335 - denyhosts   : INFO     purge_sleep_ratio: 120
2013-01-23 12:51:39,335 - denyhosts   : INFO     sync_time:      : 3600
2013-01-23 12:51:39,335 - denyhosts   : INFO     sync_sleep_ratio: 120
2013-01-23 13:51:42,918 - denyfileutil: INFO     purging entries older than: Wed Oct 10 14:51:42 2012
2013-01-23 13:51:42,919 - denyfileutil: INFO     num entries purged: 0
2013-01-23 13:51:42,922 - sync        : ERROR    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/denyhosts/sync-timestamp'
2013-01-23 13:52:46,838 - sync        : ERROR    [Errno 110] Connection timed out
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/DenyHosts/sync.py", line 117, in receive_new_hosts
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1199, in __call__
    return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1489, in __request
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1235, in request
    self.send_content(h, request_body)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1349, in send_content
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 908, in endheaders
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 780, in _send_output
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 739, in send
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 720, in connect
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/socket.py", line 567, in create_connection
    raise error, msg
error: [Errno 110] Connection timed out


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #13 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 14:52:29 »
a neni v ceste k http://xmlrpc.denyhosts.net:9911 nejakej FW?

a /var/lib/denyhosts/sync-timestamp asi jeste nemas, protoze se to jeste ani jednou nesynclo, ten adresar /var/lib/denyhosts ale mas, ne?


Re:Odkud se berou útoky
« Odpověď #14 kdy: 23. 01. 2013, 15:13:41 »
normalne dej  http://xmlrpc.denyhosts.net:9911  do browseru, jestli vse funguje, tak napise This is not a webpage. Jinak te neco po ceste blokuje a je potreba povolit port.