samba ma definovane illegal charcters v nazvoch pre foldre a files:
Names cannot include the following characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , / : ; <= > ? @ [ ] \ ^ ` { } | ~
nieco podobne som riesil na Synology pre ludi, co s tym mali problem, tak ti to pastujem v originale:
find /volume1 -name "*[\+\{\;\"\\\=\?~\(\)\<\>\&\*\|\$]*" -ls -type f > /volume1/volume1-file_not-allowed-char.txt
- volume1 is variable, then you can use volume1, volume2, volume3 .... up to your NAS setup
then you can get output into:
then you can use the txt import to XLS or something like that or define rename procedure(s)
tested, works
Mozes si tak podoplnat characters a cesty, ktore chces kontrolovat
PS neprehadzoval si na tych Widle podporu ore Smb 3?