k tomu GITu z prvni stranky - sice mi to nejelo po instalaci podle navodu,
pres iython to neco dela :
In [5]: discovery.cometblue.discovery.discover(adapter='hci0', timeout=10, channel_type='public', security_level='low')
Out[5]: {'49:F6:90:F9:C4:59': 'Comet Blue'}
pak uz jsem sice nevykoumal, jak z pythonu, ale zase to jelo pres cmd:
[root@localhost cometblue]# cometblue device -p 0 49:F6:90:F9:C4:59 get battery
No information
[root@localhost cometblue]# cometblue device -p 0 49:F6:90:F9:C4:59 get device_name
Comet Blue
[root@localhost cometblue]# cometblue device -p 0 49:F6:90:F9:C4:59 get datetime
2010-01-01 01:11:00
[root@localhost cometblue]# cometblue device -p 0 49:F6:90:F9:C4:59 get temperatures
Current temperature: 0.0 °C
Temperature for manual mode: 16.0 °C
Target temperature low: 16.0 °C
Target temperature high: 21.0 °C
Offset temperature: 0.0 °C
Window open detection: 4
Window open minutes: 10
[root@localhost cometblue]# cometblue device -p 0 49:F6:90:F9:C4:59 get firmware_revision
[root@localhost cometblue]# cometblue device -p 0 49:F6:90:F9:C4:59 get software_revision
[root@localhost cometblue]# cometblue device -p 0 49:F6:90:F9:C4:59 set datetime
[root@localhost cometblue]# cometblue device -p 0 49:F6:90:F9:C4:59 get datetime
2017-01-21 20:07:00
sice divny,ze cur temp je 0, ale zatim za me bezva hracka, az se otrepu z horecky, zkusim to namontovat.