DRBL Clonezilla - heslo roota


DRBL Clonezilla - heslo roota
« kdy: 12. 08. 2010, 12:29:03 »
Zdravim vsechny. Mam problem s DRBLem. Stahl jsem iso drbl-clonzilla-xface. Spustim server a nastavim jej, spustim stanici a ta po LAN ze serveru uspesne nabootuje do grafickeho rozhrani. Pri pokusu o montnuti vzdalene jednotky vsak nemam uspech. Pri ruznych pokusech jsem se dostal k potrebe prihlaseni jako root, ale heslo neznam. Neni nikde uvedeno a nezadava se pri startu. Nevite nekdo jak z toho dovnitr? Bud jak klonovat HDD timto systemem bez nutnosti prihlasovani jako root, nebo neznate-li nekdo potrebne heslo.


Re: DRBL Clonezilla - heslo roota
« Odpověď #1 kdy: 12. 08. 2010, 12:57:43 »
co toto?

In Clonezilla live, two accounts are available: (1) account "user" with sudo privilege, password is "live", (2) administration account "root", no password. Therefore you can not login as root, the only way to get root privilege is to login as user, and run "sudo su -" to become root. Note, for old clonezilla live (naming is clonezilla-live-2007XXXX), root's password is "drbllive".
For better security, it is recommended to change the passwords of user and root by command "passwd" before you allow remote access. When Clonezilla live boots, the ssh service is NOT automatically started, and the setting in /etc/hosts.deny does NOT block any connection. If you want to remotely ssh login into your Clonezilla live, you have to start ssh service by "/etc/init.d/ssh start".


Re: DRBL Clonezilla - heslo roota
« Odpověď #2 kdy: 12. 08. 2010, 13:10:08 »
Diky za rychlou reakci. Bude to vonco ;)