hraju si s bashem a pokouším převést kód do base64 a zpět.
filesource=`cat "nejakykod.sh"`
myfce64encode=`echo "$filesource"|base64`
echo $myfce64encode > encode.sh
myfce64decode=`echo $myfce64encode | base64 -d`
echo $myfce64decode > decode.sh
exit 0;
# Author: Duncan Phillips
# Guides followed:
# nagios guide - http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/quickstart-ubuntu.html
# merlin guide - https://wiki.op5.org/merlin:docs:quickstart-debian5
# ninja guide - https://wiki.op5.org/ninja:docs:quickstart-ubuntu
# Run as root
[ "x$USER" != 'xroot' ] && echo "Please run as root." && exit 1
# Exit on error
set -e
cat << EOF
This script will attempt to install nagios/merlin/ninja/nagvis. It holds no guarentees!
WARNING: As part of the install, the script will install apache, mysql and a bunch of other stuff.
It will also do some autoconfiguration which may wipe out settings you already have.
It is strongly advised that you read through this script!
Don't use on a production machine, rather run through the steps manually.
Please note the following usernames/password automatically setup. They should be changed:"
- MySQL root/ no password"
- System nagios/nagiosadmin"
- htaccess /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin/nagiosadmin"
When the script has finished running, you will need to generate a self-signed certificate for apache ssl in /etc/ssl/. $
When loading the ninja interface for the first time, be sure to go to https://hostname/crossdomain.xml and add the secu$
the self signed certificate. This should be pretty self explanatory.
The geomap should give an error indicating that it needs a google maps api key. Just follow the link in the settings to$
Press <Enter> to kick off, Ctrl-C to cancel"
Bohužel vždy to skončí chybovou hláškou base64: invalid input.
Netušíte kde je zakopaný pes? Děkuji :-)