A ze neco bude? Pche, ze prej budeme bydlet na Marsu.
V kontextu toho co se za posledni ctyri roky udalo s Win konzoli je to vysoce pravdepodobne....
Over the last 3 years, the Console team has:
Massively overhauled the Console’s internals
Dramatically simplified, and reduced the volume of code in the Console
Replaced several internally implemented collections, lists, stacks, etc. with STL containers
Modularized and isolated logical and functional units of code, enabling features to be improved (and on occasion replaced), without “breaking the world”
Consolidated several previously separate and incompatible Console engines into one
Added MANY reliability, safety, and security improvements
Added the ability to parse and render ANSI/VT sequences, enabling the Console to accurately render rich text output from *NIX and other modern command-line tools & apps
Enabled the Console to render 24-bit Colors, up from just 16 colors previously!
Improved Console accessibility, enabling Narrator and other UIA apps to navigate the contents of the Console Window
Added / improved mouse and touch support