VLAN for Guest Networks
Proxmox VE supports this setup out of the box. You can specify the VLAN tag when you create a VM.
The VLAN tag is part of the guest network confinuration. The networking layer supports differnet modes to
implement VLANs, depending on the bridge configuration:
• VLAN awareness on the Linux bridge: In this case, each guest’s virtual network card is assigned to
a VLAN tag, which is transparently supported by the Linux bridge. Trunk mode is also possible, but that
makes the configuration in the guest necessary.
• "traditional" VLAN on the Linux bridge: In contrast to the VLAN awareness method, this method is not
transparent and creates a VLAN device with associated bridge for each VLAN. That is, if e.g. in our default
network, a guest VLAN 5 is used to create eno1.5 and vmbr0v5, which remains until rebooting.
• Open vSwitch VLAN: This mode uses the OVS VLAN feature.
• Guest configured VLAN: VLANs are assigned inside the guest. In this case, the setup is completely
done inside the guest and can not be influenced from the outside. The benefit is that you can use more
than one VLAN on a single virtual NIC.