Tak si nastav antispam pravidla tak, aby detekovala reverz co je zjevně automaticky generován z IP adresy a poslala takový stroj tam, kam patří -> do p****e.
Inspirací ti může být konfigurace postfixu u iRedMailu:
/(\d{1,3}[\.-]\d{1,3}[\.-]\d{1,3}[\.-]\d{1,3})/ REJECT ACCESS DENIED. Your email was rejected because the sending mail server appears to be on a dynamic IP address that should not be doing direct mail delivery (
/(\d{1,3}\.ip\.-\d{1,3}-\d{1,3}-\d{1,3}\.eu)/ REJECT ACCESS DENIED. Your email was rejected because the sending mail server appears to be on a dynamic IP address that should not be doing direct mail delivery (${