A tohle tomu zastavení vadit nebude?
Note on stopping stepper motor movements
The RpiMotorLib library does not offer any method to stop the movement in progress for stepper motors.
In an emergency or manually, the movements managed by the BYJMotor, A4988 and DRV8825 microcontrolle
plha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vo tom tady jako už nejmíň dobrou čtvrhodinku hovoříme
![Mrknutí ;)](http://forum.root.cz/Smileys/default/wink.gif)
btw ta knihovnička je uplně jednoduchoučká prostě si to pustí for loop ve stejným vlákně ze kterýho to bylo zavolaný a pouští si to eletriku do těch svejch pinů/nožiček
![Smích :D](http://forum.root.cz/Smileys/default/cheesy.gif)
neni problem to podědění overriding metody s loopem + přidání limit switch pinu
![Mrknutí ;)](http://forum.root.cz/Smileys/default/wink.gif)
class A4988Nema(object):
""" Class to control a Nema bi-polar stepper motor with a A4988 also tested with DRV8825"""
def __init__(self, direction_pin, step_pin, mode_pins, motor_type="A4988"):
""" class init method 3 inputs
(1) direction type=int , help=GPIO pin connected to DIR pin of IC
(2) step_pin type=int , help=GPIO pin connected to STEP of IC
(3) mode_pins type=tuple of 3 ints, help=GPIO pins connected to
Microstep Resolution pins MS1-MS3 of IC
(4) motor_type type=string, help=TYpe of motor two options: A4988 or DRV8825
self.motor_type = motor_type
self.direction_pin = direction_pin
self.step_pin = step_pin
self.mode_pins = mode_pins
def resolution_set(self, steptype):
""" method to calculate step resolution
based on motor type and steptype"""
if self.motor_type == "A4988":
resolution = {'Full': (0, 0, 0),
'Half': (1, 0, 0),
'1/4': (0, 1, 0),
'1/8': (1, 1, 0),
'1/16': (1, 1, 1)}
elif self.motor_type == "DRV8825":
resolution = {'Full': (0, 0, 0),
'Half': (1, 0, 0),
'1/4': (0, 1, 0),
'1/8': (1, 1, 0),
'1/16': (0, 0, 1),
'1/32': (1, 0, 1)}
print("Error invalid motor_type: {}".format(self.motor_type))
# error check stepmode
if steptype in resolution:
print("Error invalid steptype: {}".format(steptype))
GPIO.output(self.mode_pins, resolution[steptype])
def motor_go(self, clockwise=False, steptype="Full",
steps=200, stepdelay=.005, verbose=False, initdelay=.05):
""" motor_go, moves stepper motor based on 6 inputs
(1) clockwise, type=bool default=False
help="Turn stepper counterclockwise"
(2) steptype, type=string , default=Full help= type of drive to
step motor 5 options
(Full, Half, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16)
(3) steps, type=int, default=200, help=Number of steps sequence's
to execute. Default is one revolution , 200 in Full mode.
(4) stepdelay, type=float, default=0.05, help=Time to wait
(in seconds) between steps.
(5) verbose, type=bool type=bool default=False
help="Write pin actions",
(6) initdelay, type=float, default=1mS, help= Intial delay after
GPIO pins initialized but before motor is moved.
# setup GPIO
GPIO.setup(self.direction_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(self.step_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(self.direction_pin, clockwise)
GPIO.setup(self.mode_pins, GPIO.OUT)
# dict resolution
for i in range(steps):
GPIO.output(self.step_pin, True)
GPIO.output(self.step_pin, False)
if verbose:
print("Steps count {}".format(i))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("User Keyboard Interrupt : RpiMotorLib:")
except Exception as motor_error:
print("RpiMotorLib : Unexpected error:")
# print report status
if verbose:
print("\nRpiMotorLib, Motor Run finished, Details:.\n")
print("Motor type = {}".format(self.motor_type))
print("Clockwise = {}".format(clockwise))
print("Step Type = {}".format(steptype))
print("Number of steps = {}".format(steps))
print("Step Delay = {}".format(stepdelay))
print("Intial delay = {}".format(initdelay))
print("Size of turn in degrees = {}"
.format(degree_calc(steps, steptype)))
# cleanup
GPIO.output(self.step_pin, False)
GPIO.output(self.direction_pin, False)
for pin in self.mode_pins:
GPIO.output(pin, False)