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The badge system in NBA 2K25 has undergone a complete overhaul, offering players more control over their player's development and gameplay style. This revamped system introduces new badges, rebalances existing ones, and provides players with greater flexibility in customizing their player's skillset.

1. New Badges, New Possibilities: NBA 2K25 introduces a range of new badges, catering to specific playstyles and enhancing the strategic depth of the game. These new badges offer players unique abilities and advantages, allowing them to specialize in specific areas of the game.

2. Rebalanced Existing Badges: Existing badges have been rebalanced and categorized to provide a more intuitive and streamlined system. This rebalancing ensures that all badges are relevant and contribute meaningfully to the player's overall skillset.

3. Greater Customization: The revamped badge system provides players with greater flexibility in customizing their player's skillset. Players can now choose to specialize in specific areas of the game, such as scoring, defense, or playmaking, by strategically allocating badge points. This allows players to create truly unique and effective players, reflecting their individual playing styles.

The Impact on Gameplay:

The combination of improved animations and the revamped badge system creates a more engaging and strategic gameplay experience. The enhanced animations bring a new level of realism and visual appeal to the game, while the revamped badge system provides players with greater control over their player's development and gameplay style.

1. Increased Strategic Depth: The new badge system encourages players to think strategically about their player's development, focusing on specific areas of the game and developing unique skillsets. This adds a new layer of strategic depth to the game, as players must carefully consider their badge choices to maximize their player's potential.

2. Greater Player Expression: The revamped badge system allows players to create truly unique and effective players, reflecting their individual playing styles. This fosters greater player expression and allows players to showcase their creativity and skill on the virtual court.

3. Enhanced Immersion: The combination of improved animations and the revamped badge system creates a more immersive and engaging gameplay experience. The enhanced visuals and the greater control over player development create a more realistic and satisfying experience for players.

NBA 2K25 promises to deliver a richer and more engaging player experience through its focus on improved animations and a revamped badge system. These changes are designed to enhance the realism, fluidity, and strategic depth of the game, providing players with a more immersive and satisfying experience. With its commitment to innovation and player satisfaction, NBA 2K25 is poised to be the most immersive and MMOexp engaging basketball experience yet.
With the release of the highly anticipated Elden Ring DLC, players are diving back into the Lands Between, eager to explore fresh content and enhance their character builds. One weapon that shines in this expansion is the Bleeding Claymore, a versatile option that combines substantial physical damage with impressive bleed potential.

To effectively wield the Bleeding Claymore, players need 14 Strength and 18 Agility. This makes it an excellent choice for both Strength and Agility builds, appealing to those who enjoy hybrid playstyles. When infused with Quality Affinity, the Claymore achieves a B rating in both attributes, ensuring it scales effectively with either.

Infusing the Claymore with Quality Affinity maximizes its attack rating and enhances its scaling effects, allowing for notable damage output while retaining combat versatility. Players can customize their builds to align with their preferred playstyle.

A standout feature of the Bleeding Claymore is its ability to inflict bleed damage. This status effect gradually reduces an enemy's health, making it particularly effective against tougher foes. The Claymore’s Ash of War lets players execute powerful attacks that can quickly stack bleed damage.

To further amplify the Bleeding Claymore's effectiveness, consider pairing it with the Finger Seal as a secondary weapon. This combination allows players to cast critical hit buffs and offensive spells, enriching their combat strategy. The Finger Seal can be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks for 800 Elden Ring Runes, making it an accessible option for players looking to bolster their arsenal.

Integrating the Finger Seal into your setup can significantly enhance your damage output. Buffs like Golden Vow improve both physical damage and defense, making you a formidable opponent in both PvE and PvP scenarios.

Here are some tips to help you excel with the Bleeding Claymore:

Timing is Key: Master the timing of your attacks, especially the multi-stab moves, to maximize bleed effects against bosses and tougher enemies.

Manage Stamina: The Claymore's heavy attacks can drain stamina quickly. Ensure you have enough stamina to evade or block after combos to avoid counterattacks.

Experiment with Infusions: While Quality Affinity is a strong choice, don’t hesitate to explore other options like Bleed or Heavy to find what best suits your style.

Utilize Buffs Wisely: Engage enemies with buffs active to enhance effectiveness. The synergy of physical damage and bleed can be overwhelming when properly supported.

The Bleeding Claymore in the Elden Ring DLC is not just a weapon; it’s a versatile tool that adapts to various playstyles. With its potent bleed capabilities, strong scaling, and compatibility with powerful buffs, players can craft builds that excel in both PvE and PvP. By mastering the Claymore and its associated gear, you'll be well-equipped to MMOexp tackle the challenges that await in the Lands Between.
Odkladiště / MMoexp: Skull and Bones: Plotting the Route to Pirate Dominance
« Poslední příspěvek od Seraphinang kdy Dnes v 07:01:10 »
In Skull and Bones, players embark on a thrilling journey to establish their supremacy as pirates. Recent updates have introduced exciting new features that enhance the experience for both seasoned captains and newcomers.

Mastering Fleet Management

The fleet management system is essential for maximizing your plunder potential. By assigning idle ships to gather and transport resources from your factories, you streamline the collection process, allowing for greater focus on strategic decisions.

The efficiency of your fleet is directly tied to the tier of your ships. Higher-tier vessels boost efficiency but also come with increased risks during expeditions. This dynamic encourages players to deploy their fleets wisely, balancing profitability with potential losses.

Expanding Your Territory: New Acquisition Strategies

Beyond the established Hostile Takeover and Legendary Heist PvP events, Skull and Bones now features innovative methods for acquiring factories and expanding your empire.

Helmsman Leases: A Tactical Advantage

Players can earn Helmsman Leases by completing seasonal contracts, negotiating with influential characters, or through the Smuggler's Pass. These leases grant temporary control over factories, allowing players to reap the benefits of production without full ownership.

This system adds a strategic layer, prompting players to weigh the pros and cons of leasing versus outright acquisition, considering factors like lease duration, potential income, and the need to fend off rival pirates.

Acquisition Game Mode: A Competitive Marketplace

The Acquisition Game Mode introduces a new element of economic rivalry. Players can bid to acquire factories from their current owners, creating a vibrant marketplace.

This mode requires players to navigate supply and demand, set competitive prices, and engage in negotiations. It offers an alternative path to factory ownership and fosters a competitive environment where savvy players can thrive.

Skull and Bones is a game that continually evolves, challenging players to adapt and strategize. The interplay between fleet management and various acquisition methods creates a complex landscape, necessitating a balance of operational efficiency, resource management, and market insight.

Embrace these new mechanics to dominate the high seas, amassing wealth, power, and respect among fellow pirates. Join a crew of adventurers and set sail for glory in Skull and Bones—where legends are forged and treasure awaits. Dive into the depths of adventure now and claim your place among the pirate elite!
Windows a jiné systémy / Re:Proč se mi vypnuly windows !???
« Poslední příspěvek od k3dAR kdy Dnes v 06:59:39 »
Pokud WM na linuxu sletí, tak to nikdy nebylo(většinou) tragické/fatální, sice byla omezená funkcinalita (nešlo přepínání, kurzor, resize, něco z toho), ale většinou šlo spustit Ctrl Alt F3 + login ; marco --replace -d :0 --background ;a jelo se dál
Ale nemám zkušenost se všemi WM. Některé aplikace taky na to mohou být citlivé, že se pak samy ukončí, jiné ne.
BTW: v Xfce
- kdyz by sletel WM, tak: xfwm4 &
- kdyz by se kousnul WM, tak: xfwm4 --replace &
Aplikacim to nevadi, ty jen prijdou o dekorace oken, od toho je to ("jen") WindowManager ;-)
Server / Re:(Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od Jen Kings kdy Dnes v 06:14:44 »
Jak už psal předřečník. Pokud bys to zakládal na uzavřenosti firmwaru pro wifi, pak bys musel doma žít bez internetu v čemkoliv.
Uzavřený firmware máš v PC, v mobilu, v televizi... ve všem. Takže z tohohle pohledu i kdyby to byl problém, tak si nezanášíš nic nového "do hnízda".

Jinak se ESP32 používá naprosto běžně, má to veškeré potřebné certifikace a nespatřuj v tom žádný problém.

P.S - trochu offtopic okénko, ale:
Vždy mně neskutečně dokážou pobavit lidi, co mi vyprávějí o tom, jak by si nikdy domů nedali Huawei router, protože se vyrábí v Číně a mohla by je odposlouchávat čínská vláda. To si radši koupí jiný dražší router (mimochodem také vyrobený v Číně). Hnev v zápětí mi pak ale vysvětlují, jak strašně ušetří na nákupech, protože mají v telefonu asi patnáct "kartičkových" a slevových "appek" od všech možných i nemožných obchoďáků. Když jim vysvětlím, že hlavním, a prakticky jediným, účelem těchhle aplikací je právě to, sledovat a analyzovat chování uživatele.. Jejich odpověď je, že "to takhle nemůžeš brát"... Což je mimochodem stejné, jako u lidí,, kterým se člověk snaží vysvětlit, že nemá cenu jezdit každou neděli tankovat na 70km vzdálené ONO, aby ušetřili korunu na litru benzinu...
Windows a jiné systémy / Re:Proč se mi vypnuly Windows?
« Poslední příspěvek od luksus kdy Dnes v 04:06:07 »
Mi se před nejakým časem takto samovolně vypínal počítač s linuxem. Nakonec jsem zjistil, že mám asi vadný spínač na bedně, který se sám od sebe občas zkratnul. Vyřešil jsem to tak, že jsem v biosu nastavil napájení "Power: Always On" aby se počítač zapínal automaticky pokud má šťávu. Power piny na základní desce jsem prostě odpojil pryč. Nouzově se to dá zapnout taky šroubovákem nebo něčím vodivým. Ty piny zkratneš a je to. Nebo jestli se ti nechce lézt do bedny, vytáhneš to celé ze zásuvky a zastrčíš zpátky. Stroj se rozjede automaticky. Pravda PC mi běží viceméně 24/7 tak to moc často něřeším.
Hardware / Re:Zvuková karta pro Linux
« Poslední příspěvek od Darina Lakovičová kdy Dnes v 01:53:33 »
Děkuji za názory a doporučení. Ale koukám, že mi všichni doporučujete externí zvukovky. Nejsem si jistá, jestli by mi k něčemu byly když budu jen modelovat hudbu ze samplů a na mikrofony mám externí mix. Podívám se na ně. Ale 1500,- je pro mě strop.
Server / Re:(Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od googler2 kdy Dnes v 01:24:20 »
Takze podla tvojho nazoru je bezpecnost ESP takpovediac "neznama" rovnako ako bezpecnost akehokolvek wifi routera, ktory ma uzavrety firmware?
Server / Re:(Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od RDa kdy Dnes v 01:05:24 »
Tim, ze ESP ma uzavreny firmware pro radio a je to ten samej firmware, tak statisticko vzato - ano - je to nebezpecne jako cokoliv do ceho nevidime. Problem je, ze se to nasazuje ve velkem poctu a tak by se utok vyplatil - stejny princip, jako proc jsou viry hlavne na Windows..

Z prakticke stranky, monetizace utoku na ESP neni tak lehka jako u PC, takze zustava model DoS - a klidne to muze byt bouda stylem "a jeje, ono to nahodou umrelo, no nic, koupime dalsi, flashnem a jede se dal". Ale uzivatel uz za tim nevidi to, ze ho nejaky kamos od vyrobce pekne vodi za nos a fakticky doji.

Moje paranoidni hlava rika: NE, esp nebrat. Do doby nez nebude veskery FW opensource.

PS: musite rozlisovat mezi uzivatelskym firmwarem, ktery si delat sam, nebo ho vezmete z komunitniho projektu, vs toho, co obsluhuje samotnou radiovou cast - ta je analogicka k BIOSu na PC, jenze bezi porad. A do ni nevidite.
Server / Re:(Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od cznarg kdy Dnes v 00:56:43 »
Co znamená nebezpečné?
Každé zařízení které komunikuje bezdrátově je právě tak bezpečné jako jeho firmware.
Zrovna ESPHome, z hlediska toho že to je opensource komunitní projekt, mě přijde rozhodně bezpečnější než random výrobce s firmwarem bastleným "hardwareráři" (co si budeme namlouvat, výrobce HW má programátory jen proto že bez firmware to nefachá a všeobecně mě přijde že profi programátoři firmware jsou celkem pr*sata kteří spoléhají na security by obsurity -- jsou samozřejmně světlé výjimky, nerad bych se někoho dotknul  ;D)
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