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Server / Re:(Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od Jen Kings kdy Dnes v 06:14:44 »
Jak už psal předřečník. Pokud bys to zakládal na uzavřenosti firmwaru pro wifi, pak bys musel doma žít bez internetu v čemkoliv.
Uzavřený firmware máš v PC, v mobilu, v televizi... ve všem. Takže z tohohle pohledu i kdyby to byl problém, tak si nezanášíš nic nového "do hnízda".

Jinak se ESP32 používá naprosto běžně, má to veškeré potřebné certifikace a nespatřuj v tom žádný problém.

P.S - trochu offtopic okénko, ale:
Vždy mně neskutečně dokážou pobavit lidi, co mi vyprávějí o tom, jak by si nikdy domů nedali Huawei router, protože se vyrábí v Číně a mohla by je odposlouchávat čínská vláda. To si radši koupí jiný dražší router (mimochodem také vyrobený v Číně). Hnev v zápětí mi pak ale vysvětlují, jak strašně ušetří na nákupech, protože mají v telefonu asi patnáct "kartičkových" a slevových "appek" od všech možných i nemožných obchoďáků. Když jim vysvětlím, že hlavním, a prakticky jediným, účelem těchhle aplikací je právě to, sledovat a analyzovat chování uživatele.. Jejich odpověď je, že "to takhle nemůžeš brát"... Což je mimochodem stejné, jako u lidí,, kterým se člověk snaží vysvětlit, že nemá cenu jezdit každou neděli tankovat na 70km vzdálené ONO, aby ušetřili korunu na litru benzinu...
Odkladiště / Homicipher APK 3.1.5 Download Free Latest For Android 2024
« Poslední příspěvek od gamemodapk kdy Dnes v 05:37:38 »
In today’s digital age, where data breaches, cyberattacks, and privacy invasions are becoming more frequent, ensuring secure and private communication has never been more critical. Homicipher APK is an advanced mobile application designed to meet the growing demand for secure, encrypted messaging and communication. It provides end-to-end encryption, ensuring that your conversations remain private and inaccessible to third parties, including hackers, government agencies, or even the service provider itself.
This article explores the features, benefits, and use cases of Homicipher APK, highlighting why it’s an essential tool for anyone seeking enhanced privacy and security in the digital world.

Link Download: Homicipher APK

Homicipher APK: The Ultimate Secure Communication Solution

What is Homicipher APK?

Homicipher APK is a messaging and communication app that provides a high level of encryption for all communications. Available for Android users, this APK version can be installed outside of official app stores, making it accessible even in regions where censorship or government restrictions might block typical app access. Designed for privacy-focused individuals and businesses, Homicipher is a secure alternative to mainstream messaging apps, which may not offer the same level of data protection or encryption.

The app supports text messaging, voice calls, video calls, file sharing, and group chats, all of which are protected by end-to-end encryption. This means that only the sender and the recipient can access the contents of the communication, keeping it shielded from any eavesdroppers or cybercriminals.

Key Features of Homicipher APK

Homicipher APK stands out in the competitive market of secure messaging apps due to its unique and powerful features. Below are some of its standout features:

1. End-to-End Encryption
At the core of Homicipher APK is its robust end-to-end encryption. All messages, voice calls, and shared files are encrypted in such a way that only the intended recipient can decrypt and read them. No third parties, including the app's developers, can intercept or decipher the communication. This level of encryption is crucial for individuals who handle sensitive information, such as journalists, business executives, and activists.

2. Encrypted Voice and Video Calls
Not only does Homicipher APK offer encrypted messaging, but it also supports secure voice and video calls. This is particularly valuable for businesses or individuals looking to discuss sensitive topics without worrying about their conversations being intercepted. The app uses advanced encryption protocols to ensure that voice and video calls remain secure from start to finish.

3. Anonymous Communication
Homicipher is designed with anonymity in mind. Users are not required to provide personal details such as their phone number or email address during registration. This prevents unwanted tracking or data collection, allowing users to remain completely anonymous while using the app.

4. Self-Destructing Messages
For added security, Homicipher APK offers a self-destructing message feature. This allows users to set a time limit on their messages, after which the messages will automatically delete from both the sender's and the recipient’s devices. This feature ensures that sensitive information does not linger unnecessarily on devices, reducing the risk of data leakage.

5. Multi-Platform Support
While Homicipher APK is primarily designed for Android devices, it offers multi-platform support. Users can seamlessly transition between their mobile devices and desktop computers without compromising security or functionality. This makes it easy for users to stay connected across different devices, whether for personal or professional use.

6. Encrypted File Sharing
Homicipher APK allows users to share files, including images, videos, documents, and more, all with the same level of encryption that protects the app’s messages and calls. This is particularly useful for businesses that need to send confidential documents or for individuals looking to share private media securely.

7. Group Chats and Calls
In addition to one-on-one communication, Homicipher APK supports encrypted group chats and calls. Whether you’re coordinating with a team, planning an event, or having a group discussion, the app ensures that all participants’ data remains secure. Group chats are fully encrypted, ensuring that even in multi-user environments, conversations remain private.

8. Regular Security Updates
The developers behind Homicipher APK are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security. This means the app receives regular security updates to patch any vulnerabilities and to stay ahead of emerging threats. Users can rely on Homicipher to be consistently protected against the latest cyber risks.

The Importance of Privacy and Encryption in Today’s World

Privacy is a fundamental human right, and in today’s digital landscape, it is constantly under threat. Governments, corporations, and malicious actors are continually trying to gain access to private communications. This has led to the rise of secure communication apps like Homicipher APK, which focus on protecting user privacy.

1. Protection from Data Breaches
Cyberattacks and data breaches have become commonplace, with millions of personal data records being exposed each year. Homicipher APK’s encryption ensures that even if the communication is intercepted, it cannot be read without the proper decryption key.

2. Freedom from Surveillance
In many parts of the world, governments monitor digital communication as a way to control dissent or spy on their citizens. Homicipher APK gives users the ability to communicate freely without fear of government surveillance, making it a popular choice for activists and journalists operating in restrictive environments.

3. Business Confidentiality
For businesses, protecting confidential information is critical to maintaining a competitive edge. Whether discussing proprietary technology, upcoming product releases, or sensitive client information, businesses cannot afford to have their communication intercepted. Homicipher APK ensures that business communications remain confidential, helping companies safeguard their intellectual property.

Why Choose Homicipher APK Over Other Apps?

While there are many encrypted communication apps available, Homicipher APK distinguishes itself through its unique combination of features, high security standards, and ease of use. Here are some reasons why Homicipher is a preferred choice for secure communication:

No Data Collection: Homicipher does not collect user data. Many other messaging apps store user data, including metadata, which can be used to track and monitor communications. Homicipher ensures that no user data is collected, ensuring complete privacy.

User-Friendly Interface: Despite its advanced encryption technology, Homicipher APK is designed to be easy to use. The app’s interface is intuitive, making it accessible even to those who may not be tech-savvy.

Global Accessibility: Homicipher APK can be downloaded and used worldwide, even in regions where secure communication apps are restricted. Its availability as an APK file means it can be sideloaded onto devices in countries with strict internet censorship.

Use Cases for Homicipher APK

Homicipher APK is versatile and can be used by a wide variety of people for different purposes:
Journalists and Whistleblowers: In countries where freedom of the press is under threat, Homicipher offers journalists and whistleblowers a safe way to communicate without fear of interception.

Business Professionals: Companies handling sensitive data, financial information, or proprietary knowledge can use Homicipher to ensure their conversations and document sharing remain private.

Activists and Political Dissidents: In regions where government surveillance is common, activists can rely on Homicipher to organize and communicate without being tracked or monitored.

Everyday Users: Even for everyday users, Homicipher APK offers peace of mind. Whether you’re sharing personal photos, discussing private matters, or simply wanting to maintain your digital privacy, Homicipher provides a secure solution.


In an era where digital privacy is under constant threat, Homicipher APK stands out as a powerful tool for secure and anonymous communication. With features like end-to-end encryption, anonymous registration, self-destructing messages, and encrypted calls, it offers everything users need to ensure their communications remain private and secure.

For anyone concerned about privacy and security in their digital communications, Homicipher APK is an excellent choice. Whether you’re a business professional, an activist, or just someone looking to protect your personal conversations, Homicipher provides the tools necessary to communicate securely in today’s world.
Windows a jiné systémy / Re:Proč se mi vypnuly Windows?
« Poslední příspěvek od luksus kdy Dnes v 04:06:07 »
Mi se před nejakým časem takto samovolně vypínal počítač s linuxem. Nakonec jsem zjistil, že mám asi vadný spínač na bedně, který se sám od sebe občas zkratnul. Vyřešil jsem to tak, že jsem v biosu nastavil napájení "Power: Always On" aby se počítač zapínal automaticky pokud má šťávu. Power piny na základní desce jsem prostě odpojil pryč. Nouzově se to dá zapnout taky šroubovákem nebo něčím vodivým. Ty piny zkratneš a je to. Nebo jestli se ti nechce lézt do bedny, vytáhneš to celé ze zásuvky a zastrčíš zpátky. Stroj se rozjede automaticky. Pravda PC mi běží viceméně 24/7 tak to moc často něřeším.
Hardware / Re:Zvuková karta pro Linux
« Poslední příspěvek od Darina Lakovičová kdy Dnes v 01:53:33 »
Děkuji za názory a doporučení. Ale koukám, že mi všichni doporučujete externí zvukovky. Nejsem si jistá, jestli by mi k něčemu byly když budu jen modelovat hudbu ze samplů a na mikrofony mám externí mix. Podívám se na ně. Ale 1500,- je pro mě strop.
Server / Re:(Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od googler2 kdy Dnes v 01:24:20 »
Takze podla tvojho nazoru je bezpecnost ESP takpovediac "neznama" rovnako ako bezpecnost akehokolvek wifi routera, ktory ma uzavrety firmware?
Server / Re:(Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od RDa kdy Dnes v 01:05:24 »
Tim, ze ESP ma uzavreny firmware pro radio a je to ten samej firmware, tak statisticko vzato - ano - je to nebezpecne jako cokoliv do ceho nevidime. Problem je, ze se to nasazuje ve velkem poctu a tak by se utok vyplatil - stejny princip, jako proc jsou viry hlavne na Windows..

Z prakticke stranky, monetizace utoku na ESP neni tak lehka jako u PC, takze zustava model DoS - a klidne to muze byt bouda stylem "a jeje, ono to nahodou umrelo, no nic, koupime dalsi, flashnem a jede se dal". Ale uzivatel uz za tim nevidi to, ze ho nejaky kamos od vyrobce pekne vodi za nos a fakticky doji.

Moje paranoidni hlava rika: NE, esp nebrat. Do doby nez nebude veskery FW opensource.

PS: musite rozlisovat mezi uzivatelskym firmwarem, ktery si delat sam, nebo ho vezmete z komunitniho projektu, vs toho, co obsluhuje samotnou radiovou cast - ta je analogicka k BIOSu na PC, jenze bezi porad. A do ni nevidite.
Server / Re:(Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od cznarg kdy Dnes v 00:56:43 »
Co znamená nebezpečné?
Každé zařízení které komunikuje bezdrátově je právě tak bezpečné jako jeho firmware.
Zrovna ESPHome, z hlediska toho že to je opensource komunitní projekt, mě přijde rozhodně bezpečnější než random výrobce s firmwarem bastleným "hardwareráři" (co si budeme namlouvat, výrobce HW má programátory jen proto že bez firmware to nefachá a všeobecně mě přijde že profi programátoři firmware jsou celkem pr*sata kteří spoléhají na security by obsurity -- jsou samozřejmně světlé výjimky, nerad bych se někoho dotknul  ;D)
Server / (Ne)bezpecnost ESP32 v smart home?
« Poslední příspěvek od googler2 kdy Dnes v 00:02:55 »
Caute, nie som si isty ci som temu spravne zaradil (mozno by mala ist pod hardware). Chcem sa spytat aky je Vas nazor na pouzivanie ESP32 dosiek ako rozne senzory v ramci HA resp. ESPHome? Davnejsie som totiz narazil na clanky, ktorych obsah si uz presne nepamatam, no zakladna info bola, ze ESP dosky nie su zrovna bezpecne. U mna prevazuju zigbee zariadenia a viem, ze vseobecne sa zigbee povazuje v ramci IoT za bezpecnejsie ako wifi aj kvoli tomu, ze zigbee su jednoucelove zariadenia, ale neviem ci su ESP dosky povazovane z nejakeho dovodu za este menej bezpecne ako ine IoT zariadenia na baze wifi? Pripadne ake opatrenia je mozne urobit pre minimalizovanie rizika, ked uz treba pouzit ESP?
Hardware / Re:Zvuková karta pro Linux
« Poslední příspěvek od ⚫⚫⚫ kdy 19. 11. 2024, 23:48:50 »
Ja jsem za ty penize spokojeny s Behringer UMC404HD. Mixxx, Ardour, OBS zadny problem. A denne ji pouzivam na poslech.
Windows a jiné systémy / Re:Jak přeskočit ve Win11 postsetup výběr spojení
« Poslední příspěvek od hknmtt kdy 19. 11. 2024, 22:47:29 »
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