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Témata - hiddenvs

Stran: [1]
Distribuce / Mizející místo na disku v Ubuntu
« kdy: 17. 09. 2021, 16:24:12 »
Zdravim vsechny, chci vas poprosit o radu / vysvetleni. Mam ve svem labu 6 hardwarove identickych serveru, na 4 bezi Debian 10, na dalsim Debian 11 a na poslednim Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Vsechny stroje jsou upgradovany na "latest possible" verze vramci distribuce. Vsechny stroje bezi na stejnem souborove strukture /swap, / a /home, stejne disky a velikosti particii. Problem - na stroji s Ubuntu 20.04 LTS mi zmizelo misto na / particii a neumim si to vysvetlit.

Po zadani prikazu

Kód: [Vybrat]
du -hx -d1 / | sort -n


Kód: [Vybrat]
3,1G    /var
4,0K    /mnt
4,0K    /opt
4,0K    /srv
4,0K    /volumes
6,1G    /usr
8,2M    /etc
11G     /
11M     /.cache
16K     /lost+found
20K     /media
262M    /boot
660K    /root
1014M   /home

coz je naprosto v poradku, nic zvlastniho, ale...

Kód: [Vybrat]
df -ah /

mi zazracne sdeli, ze mam 0% volneho mista na / particii a system jako takovej je v prd****...

Kód: [Vybrat]
Súborový systém  Veľk    Použ  Dost Pou% Pripojený na
/dev/sdm3           101G   97G  0     100%  /

Nejak mi to mozek nebere. V cem je rozdil oproti Debian-u ? Na strojich s Debian-em ten problem neni. Stejny HW, stejna konfigurace, rozdil je v distribuci. Nejaky napad, co s tim na Ubuntu ? Koukal jsem po Googlu, ale to je furt to stejny dookola o tom jak uvolnit misto a podobne. O to mi nejde, ja chci "najit" zmizelej volnej prostor, kam se podel.
Diky predem za nejakou radu nebo informaci.

Server / Copy failed with: fopen() failed
« kdy: 17. 08. 2021, 14:57:28 »
I have an issue with copying big files (size between 100GB ~ 2TB) to the external USB storage. It's directly connected to a USB3 port and mounted via /etc/fstab as XFS with rw, auto, user, sync options. Drive sleep is disabled and put also a refresh script to prevent drives to go to sleep mode. As I mentioned is XFS formatted partition, enabled for anyone to write/read/execute. It's running on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS fully patched. I tried also a manual copy file to the drive with cp and also rsync, it stops around 50~75% of the process and the drive gets disconnected. I can't find the reason for this behavior. Drives are inside IcyBox with 4 bays and are connected via USB3 cable to USB3 port. Other drives inside the box are accessible, just that one, where I tried to copy the plot is out of the system. After restart is the drive back, but without any changes, nothing is copied onto. I also tried other formats like XFS, NTFS, BRTFS... no effect. I disabled also caching (just for try), but is has no effect on the copy process (exept it took very long time). Source drives are NVMe's with XFS partition, the destination is SATA drive with XFS partition inside external USB IcyBox.

Any idea?

Source drives: 1 TB NVMe, single XFS partition
Destination drives: 14 TB Wester Digital SATA Red, single XFS partition

Stran: [1]