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Témata - Ondřej Surý

Stran: [1]
Nabízím práci / Junior Software Engineer for BIND 9
« kdy: 15. 05. 2018, 15:25:59 »
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. (ISC) is a public benefit company whose mission is to support the infrastructure of the Internet. In pursuit of this goal, we have a team dedicated to developing open-source Internet infrastructure software. Our main product is BIND 9, the Internet's most popular DNS server. We also provide ISC DHCP, an implementation of the dynamic host configuration protocol, as well as its successor, Kea.

We are looking for a junior software engineer to work on BIND 9. This engineer will be a core part of the development team, assisting in the development of new features as well as maintenance of the program.

  • Working with the team to design and develop new features
  • Reviewing code changes
  • Responding to bug reports from a variety of sources and fixing bugs
  • Assisting in release engineering
  • Assisting in project planning
  • Acting as on-call escalation engineer (eventually)
  • Participating in organizations such as the IETF to develop Internet protocols
Required Skills
  • Spoken and written English allowing at conversation level
  • Experience with C development, preferably at C11 level
  • Knowledge about the DNS protocol
  • Knowledge about threads and locks mechanisms
  • Familiarity with Unix/BSD/Linux operating systems
  • Self-motivation and self-control when working from home
Desirable Skills
  • Specific experience of BIND
  • Experience of network programming on Windows
  • Experience with Python
  • Knowledge about networking, both from a theoretical as well as a practical
  • Familiarity with open source tools and working environments

Although ISC is located in Redwood City, California (USA) and some staff are based there, many of ISC's staff work from their homes throughout the USA and the rest of the world.

This position is open to anyone regardless of nationality, and is suitable for home working. Note that occasional travel to the company's USA offices will be required. As this is a junior level position, the position is also suitable for students as a part time job (minimum 20 hours per week required though).

To learn more about ISC and its critical role in the Internet community, visit http://www.isc.org.

To apply for this post, please send a copy of your CV to jobs@isc.org.

Hardware / Odstranění sklepní plísně z reproduktorů
« kdy: 15. 08. 2012, 15:01:12 »
Měl jsem nějakou nekrátkou dobu ve sklepě uskladněny bedýnky Genius 4000 (takové moc pěkné) a teď mají takovou vůni starého sklepa, které bych se rád zbavil.  Zvenku jsem aplikoval sprej proti plísním, ale moc to nepomohlo. Napadá někoho nějaký dostatečně jednoduchý nedestruktivní způsob, jak ty bedýnky vyčistit, abych neměl po příchodu do pokoje pocit, že mám naložit do kyblíku brambory a odejít?

Alternativa je, že je střelím (full disclosure) na Aukru, a udělám z toho problém někoho jiného :).

Ahoj všichni,

vzhledem k tomu, že pod dnešním článkem kolegy Petra Černohouze není možné rozvinout inspirativní diskusi, bych vás rád požádal, abyste se se svými připomínkami a podněty podělili s ostatními, ale také samozřejmě s námi z Laboratoří CZ.NIC, zde.

Uvítáme jakékoli nápady, ať už k měřeným proměnným, k testovanému hardware (tipy na další kousky k otestování) nebo cokoli jiného, co vás napadne.

Za Laboratoře CZ.NIC, Ondřej Surý

Stran: [1]